Connection of Yoga, Chakras and Hormones

How the ‘Chakras’ May Affect the Endocrine System

In this short review, I am going to discuss the way the ‘chakras’ in Hatha yoga may affect the endocrine system.

My focus here is the connection between activating the chakras through yoga and stimulating the main glands of the endocrine system. However, there are many practitioners who focus on specific yoga sequences targeted at promoting healthy endocrine function. The impact of yoga on the endocrine system is of growing interest and an area of active exploration.

The endocrine system consists of several glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones are essentially “messengers” that help regulate functions of the body such as growth and development, sexual function, mood, metabolism, and tissue function. The adrenal, hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, and reproductive glands are all part of the endocrine system. When the endocrine glands are not working properly, hormonal imbalances can occur, which may affect physical and psychological well-being.

What Are “Chakras” in Hatha Yoga?

Chakras are concentrated energy centers within the body. The seven main chakras are aligned along the spinal column, starting just above the crown of the head and ending at the coccyx.

In descending order, these seven chakras are:

  1. Sahasrara (crown)
  2. Ajna (brow)
  3. Vishuddha (throat)
  4. Anahata (heart)
  5. Manipura (solar plexus)
  6. Swadisthana (sacrum)
  7. Muladhara (coccyx)

The Hatha yoga perspective suggests that the chakras must be balanced and functioning properly to maintain optimal physical and mental health.

Chakra translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit, and you can imagine them as wheels of free-flowing positive energy. The diagram below illustrates the location of the seven chakras in the body:

The Seven Chakras

(Source: Yogapedia)

What Is the Connection Between Chakras and the Endocrine System?

The chakras are connected to and influence every organ and system in the body. The chakras and endocrine glands are thought to align in the following way:

  • Sahasrara → Pineal
  • Ajna → Pituitary
  • Vishuddha → Thyroid
  • Anahata → Thymus
  • Manipura → Pancreas
  • Swadisthana → Reproductive glands
  • Muladhara → Adrenals

How Does Hatha Yoga Affect the Endocrine System?

Hatha yoga uses physical purification techniques to build health. Included in the practice are:

  • Postures (asanas)
  • Breath work (pranayama)
  • Meditation techniques

These practices develop healthy chakras and, consequently, healthy endocrine glands. While Hatha yoga may not significantly alter endocrine functions like growth and development, it can positively influence the stress response, mind-body connection, and overall well-being.

Certain yoga poses pressurize and depressurize specific glands. This subtle compression and decompression may help regulate hormonal secretions.

Examples of Hatha Yoga Practices and Their Effects

Below are examples of specific Hatha yoga practices and their influence on the chakras and endocrine glands:

  • Headstand: Stimulates sahasrara chakra and the pineal gland by moving blood flow to those areas, stabilizing hormonal fluctuations.
  • Meditation Techniques: Stimulate ajna chakra and the pituitary gland.
  • Bridge Pose, Camel Pose, and Plow Pose: Invigorate vishuddha chakra and the thyroid gland.
  • Chest Openers (e.g., lying over a rolled blanket) and Shoulder Openers (e.g., cow face pose): Energize anahata chakra and the thymus gland.
  • Core-Strengthening Poses (e.g., boat pose) and Invigorating Pranayama Practices (e.g., bellows breath): Affect manipura chakra and the pancreas.
  • Hip Openers (e.g., cow face pose and cobbler’s pose): Influence swadisthana chakra and the reproductive glands.
  • Grounding Poses and Hamstring Stretches (e.g., standing forward bend): Enliven muladhara chakra and the adrenal glands.
  • Camel Pose: Moves blood into the adrenal glands and manipura chakra.

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